We really appreciate donations, but please do NOT drop off any equipment at CCL without prior approval! Unwanted donations can cost us a significant amount of money, effort, and/or space. If you have anything you think we may want, send a description to [email protected].
Equipment List
- Two 6ft Biosafety cabinets
- -80C freezer, -20C freezers, 4C refrigerators
- Bioreactor system, including a computerized controller, 2L vessel, chiller, air compressor, O2 concentrator, and vacuum pump
- Incubators
- Shaking incubator
- PCR Thermocyclers
- Spectrophotometers with plate reader and cuvette holder
- Spectramax 190 plate reader
- Gel Electrophoresis (boxes, power supply, gels, and gel viewer)
- Centrifuges, mini centrifuge
- Small and large autoclaves
- Vacuum chamber and pumps
- Scales and analytical balance
- Hot plates and water bath
- 2 in 1 magnetic stirrer and hot plate
- Magnetic stirrers and vortexers
- Cooling and heating blocks
- Pipettes and tips - single and multichannel
- Electroporator and cuvettes
- Compound and stereo microscopes
- Nanodrop
- Plant growth racks
- Hydroponic plant growth systems and TDS meter
- Rotovap
- Lyophilizer
- Transfer blot
- Orbital shakers and rockers
- pH meter and probes
- Liquid-handling robot
- Solid and liquid distillers
Wish List
Although we have a pretty well equipped lab, there's always some more items we're looking for...
Got any gear you'd like to donate? Contact us at [email protected]
- LED plant growth lights (especially far-red light)
- Photosynthetic light meter for plant lighting
- Rotary Evaporator condenser and glassware
- Cryogenic storage dewar (vacuum flask for liquid nitrogen)
- Blue light transilluminator for gel viewing
- *Small* Autoclave
- Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscope parts
- Fluorescent microscope / other high-end microscopes
- Bioreactor impeller motors
- 10L bioreactor
- AKTA protein purifier
- Dynamic Light Scattering / Laser Diffraction particle size analyzer (down to at least 50nm)
- Eppendorf Thermomixer
- Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) scanner to test for lead contamination in soil
- *Small* desktop electron microscope
- *Small* Raman spec
Got any gear you'd like to donate? Contact us at [email protected]